
A little about me. I am a married .I  have three children.Ranging in the ages of 24(girl),23(boy),and 13(girl). I work part-time. I have a dog and a cat.

I love to read books,listen to music, some crafts,and sewing . I also love to paint!

My love for sewing started at a very young age. My grandmother taught me everything about sewing.She was a gifted seamstress. It was something that we shared,and I am going to continue her legacy.One day, I can pass it down to my children and my future grandchildren.

84 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you for stopping by our website and deciding to follow us! How wonderful to have a grandmother teach you to sew. Not many young people (yes, you are young!) bother about learning an “old” craft.
    Part of our guild’s mission is to pass along our knowledge to those who can carry it on.

    Happy Sewing!

    Jodi Greenfield,
    IHQ Secretary

  2. Hi! Thanks for checking out our Ribbons in Our Hair blog! I’m glad you enjoyed it, and it’s great to hear from a fellow seamstress. I look forward to seeing what you do here. You’re blog looks like a lot of fun.

  3. Hi!
    Thank you so much for sharing your crafty projects and I really appreciate you follow ecogreenlove’s blog. I hope we can support and cheer each other up 💚

    Have a great day!
    – Ale M.

  4. Hi, thank you for the follow, I wanted to drop in, say hello and let you know that I’m following you back. Great to read your about and I love the way you have illustrated the blog 😀 TTS

  5. Thank you for visiting our blog and following us. Sounds like a fun menagerie. My cats seem to know when I’m down and they’re always close. We have 5. Animals are lucky to have us love them, and we’re lucky to be able to love them. And happy sewing!

  6. Thanks so much for recently stopping by my blog! I love to read, too. It is so nice that you can sew. I am a little challenged in that area. I have been a stay at home mom for the last 26 years. It is very nice to meet you. Best wishes to you in your blogging!

    • Thank you for stopping by as well….As a fellow stay -home – mom,it is 24 hour job.I’m trying to get back in the work world.My youngest daughter is eight years old.I have my family to watch her if I get a job.

  7. Dear Gobagese1 as our wp blog is written in Indonesia, so, maybe will bother you in reading it, but, we do have our sisiter site, in English, just to change the wordpress with blogspot and the other ones, immediately putting (dot) com. (Sorry for this inconvenience message, because I rather to be keen, not to put my site address, afraid of being called by spammer from WP) GBU!

  8. I love that you learned to sew from your grandmother. When I hear that, whether it’s sewing or knitting or some other skill or craft, I’m always a little jealous, because I didn’t have that, but (more importantly) I always imagine the closeness that the sharing must have helped to grown, and how wonderful the teacher must have felt to be able to pass on their skills. I know I lovelovelove teaching my niece to knit. (: Which makes me realize that maybe I DO have this in my life! Only from the opposite direction. I’d never realized that before. (:

  9. Nice intro. Thank you for following my blog. I, too, started sewing at a young age. My cousin had 2 young children and when she & her husband would go out, she let me play with her Singer Athena 2000. I felt like Captain Kirk at the helm of the Starship Enterprise pushing all those buttons. That got me started at age 14. It’s no wonder I ended up behind a Bernina 8 series LOL! It’s a fun way to relax and be productive as well.

  10. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Thought I’d come over and see yours. Wow! Bet I could learn a lot from your experience. I am just now getting back into sewing and realize how much I have to learn… and how much I have forgotten. I can now thread my machine (new) without looking at the instructions. I just finished making a hoodie. Now too bad for rusty me. Anyway, I’m going to follow you and look forward to getting to know you.

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog wildthymefarmquilting.wordpress.com! I enjoyed seeing your runners and lovely crochet. I, too, come from a family of sewists and crocheters (is that a word?)
    It’s always nice to see others embracing these skills. Happy New Year!

  12. Than you so much for following my blog. Crafting, as you may have noticed, is one of my many passions! I honestly don’;t know how I had time to wor before I retired 🙂

    • Thank you for stopping by….I decided to take a break from school for a couple of months….I was under too much stress…I am going to wait for while to finish my Masters… I want to get another Bachelor’s degree… This time Business… I have one in Criminal Justice…

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