It has been a while

A lot has happened since I last posted…

I have been working as usual. I have been painting, and I did some commissions. It wasn’t life changing enough to quit my job. I have been sewing, but not a lot. My crocheting is very little.

My oldest daughter lost her biological father to suicide. Which totally sucks,because he is missing out on some amazing things.

Baby quilt

My husband and I have been there for my Daughter. The baby quilt that I made is for my Granddaughter. She is two months old,and she is my world. She helps me smile when I have a bad day.

I still suffer from depression, but my painting helps me. I try to take one step at time.

Three paintings kind of day

Today was a three paintings kind of day.The first painting. I started last week. I don’t know what I was thinking about, but the painting was coming along nicely. Until I decided to change the look of it.

I guess it was was looking too gloomy. I changed it completely. The second painting,I gotten mad ,because the bristles were all over the canvas. Then ,I started finger painting. I got out my painting knife and brush. This is the final result of that one.

The third painting was the completely opposite of the other paintings. It is an abstract acrylic painting. I call this one “Fractured Soul “. I used masking tape to create the look I wanted.

Two New Paintings

I have painted to new paintings. It is an oil painting ,of course. I am trying to sell my paintings.I have only sold three so far.

I don’t understand why they are not selling.Am I that bad of an artist? I don’t understand why? I am advertising them.I am not overcharging.

Scented Reusable Heating Pads and Handwarmers

Lately, I’ve been making scented reusable heating pads and hand warmers. I plan to sell them. I am afraid that no one will buy them.

It’s not like I am asking for $100 for them. I am asking $5 for the hand warmers. For the heating pads,I am asking for large $10 and X-large $15. Does that sound reasonable?

Autumn walk in the woods

Sometimes,I get visions in my head. The first thing ,I do is paint. Like today for example, I had this vision of the woods.

I already had my oil paints out. I figured just to use them. It has a water color feeling to it. I have different colors to choose from. Sometimes, I use the basic colors that I have. I like to try to use different ideas to give myself a little challenge. This painting took me about a couple of minutes to do. Sometimes,it takes me day ,or a week. It depends on my mood.

Haven’t posted in long while

Sorry,that I haven’t posted in long time.Life in general has taken over. A lot has happened since I last posted.I have been working a lot.My mom is in a relationship with man that loves her. My oldest daughter moved out . I have finally gotten my Chloe back. My brother and his girlfriend moved in.We are all supposed to be taking over the mortgage. That has been a bumpy road .

I have been making memory bears for my oldest daughter. Her Bio Dad committed suicide in November.I have been making bears for his side of the family. I was in car accident also in November. I wasn’t hurt,but my van was. I can still drive it,but can’t afford to get it fixed.

I have been painting a lot. I have sold a few.I have put my paintings on Esty. No bites or nibbles on that.Even on market place no buyers. I have been struggling for while.

Harry Potter Quilt

I wanted to make a gift for my youngest daughter. Mind you,that I haven’t really sewn in a year.I  have been collecting Harry Potter fabric.

I decided  to make her a quilt. She is also a Harry Potter fan.Since,she loves Slytherin,I figured why not.I figured that,if I got it done early it would be her Christmas gift.

I was kind of funny,because she saw me sewing this quilt the whole time. She has no idea it is for her.I took me about a week to complete it. The back of the quilt is fleece.I decided no to add batting.

My Abstract

When I posted last time.I mentioned that I was working on project. It is very different from my last post. It kind of messes with eyes a little bit.

When I first started this painting,I wanted something different. I used a lot of tape. I used black acrylic paint to the design I wanted.

Once the paint was dry.I started to add more tape.Then I started to add the different colors. I wanted something bright. It is very abstract.

Rainy and cold

It is such a cold and rainy day. I would rather sleep all day. Instead, I am painting and its my day off.I really enjoy a nice cup of tea. Especially, when the weather is gloomy,wet,and cold.I just got done a painting. It has a lighthouse in it.

I must want to go the beach.I have been doing a lot ocean paintings. As you can see from the three paintings that I have done.

All three are all oil paint. I rarely use acrylic paint. I am working with acrylic paint on a project that I am working on. It has a lot of tape on it.


When it comes to paintings,sometimes I  a vision  in my head. That happened yesterday to me. It was right after,I had taken my husband to work.I had eaten my breakfast and having my second cup of coffee.

I start out with blending the sky,clouds,and water.Then, I sit back and I look at it. That is usually when I get my ideas.

My knife work has become very easy to do. I used a half size round brush for the trees and background. I used a number three fan brush for the grass. I used two different filbert brushes to create and blend.